Today I ran seven miles in an hour break between my shifts at work. This is why i don't have photos. I've been working these twelve hour days for a few weeks now and running on my breaks has really been a delightful break. It boosts my energy, gives me a lapse from the normal daily routine, and is a productive way to blow off any stress associated with the job. The first half of my run was conservative. I paced along at nine minute mile feeling my body's pains, noting where the evenings stretches would have to focus. At the half way point I turned about and pushed the run as fast as I could. At peaks in pace I was running sub seven minute miles (really very fast for me), and my average pace on the way home was a seven twenty mile.
So, training advances. This Sunday I will be running the City of Trees Half Marathon. I'm feeling pretty stoked on the event and expect to run the event quickly. My official PR for a Half Marathon is one hour and forty seven minutes. I'm sure I'll destroy it this Sunday.
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